New SOE Handler Forms:
With the rollout and implementation of the new Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rules, there are changes to the data and information that certifying agents like Americert must collect from applicants. Additionally, Americert has not conducted a core update to our application forms in more than 5 years. Accordingly, Americert has undertaken a forms revision process that will lead to updated forms this year.
The benefits of the new forms will be as follows:
· By updating forms, Americert can ensure that we collect the information required by the USDA National Organic Program, and cease collection of information that is not as relevant in the current environment---that will lead to a more efficient application completion, application review, and inspection. After an initial familiarization and adaptation period, this will lead to time savings for all participants.
· The new forms are modular in design, which means that once they have been completed once, they will only need to be updated when information in the module changes. This will save time in submitting annual renewal applications.
· The new forms are intended to be closely aligned with the new Strengthening Organic Enforcement rules and if completed properly will ensure compliance on your part with many aspects of the new rules.
The forms you will complete depend on what kind of handling you do. If you are unsure of which forms or categories apply to your operation, please contact the Americert office at (352) 336-5700.
I. Handlers Taking Physical Possession of Organic Products or Ingredients:
A. Processor Operations (Manufacturers. Packagers, Repackaging or Other Processing):
If you process organic products or ingredients please download and complete* the following forms:
H1A Intake Module
H1B Certification Contract
H3 Product List
H4 Supplier List
H5B Monitoring and Fraud Prevention-Phys
H6B Recordkeeping for Processors
H7 Physical Facility Module
H8 Materials Used
If you also manufacture or blend multi-ingredient products please also complete* this module: H9 Product Formulation Module
If you also import organic products or ingredients into the U.S. please complete* the imports module: H10 Imports Module
If you also export organic products or ingredients from the U.S. please complete* the exports module: H11 Exports Module
*Note please do not attempt to complete the forms using your internet browser. Download and save them to a file on your computer and then open them from the file with the appropriate program (Adobe Reader & Excel depending on the form.
When complete, submit to Americert via email.
B. Non-Processors Taking Physical Possession: (e.g warehouses, brokers, traders, brand owners, distributors, importers, or exporters who take physical possession of organic products or ingredients): If you take physical possession of organic products or ingredients but do not process them in anyway, please download and complete* following forms:
H2 Combined Product and Supplier List for W, B, D
H5B Monitoring and Fraud Prevention-Phys
H6A Recordkeeping for Non Processors
If you also import organic products or ingredients into the U.S. please complete* the imports module: H10 Imports Module
If you also export organic products or ingredients from the U.S. please complete* the exports module: H11 Exports Module
*Note please do not attempt to complete the forms using your internet browser. Download and save them to a file on your computer and then open them from the file with the appropriate program (Adobe Reader & Excel depending on the form.
When complete, submit to Americert via email.
II. Handlers Who Do Not Take Physical Possession of Organic Products or Ingredients (Certain Brokers, Distributors, Traders, Brand Owners, etc.):
If you handle, sell, or distribute organic products or ingredients without taking physical possession of those products or ingredients, please download and complete the following forms:
H2 Combined Product and Supplier List for W, B, D
H5A Monitoring and Fraud Prevention-No Phys
H6A Recordkeeping for Non Processors
If you also import organic products or ingredients into the U.S. please complete* the imports module: H10 Imports Module
If you also export organic products or ingredients from the U.S. please complete* the exports module: H11 Exports Module
*Note please do not attempt to complete the forms using your internet browser. Download and save them to a file on your computer and then open them from the file with the appropriate program (Adobe Reader & Excel depending on the form.
When complete, submit to Americert via email.
Guidance on Specific Forms:
Module 5 Guidance Monitoring and Fraud Prevention
Module 6 Guidance Recordkeeping
Module 7 Guidance Physical Facility
Module 9 Guidance on Calculating Comp of an Organic Product